After the 3-day Launch Retreat, we spend the next 18 months together, meeting as a small-group, on a journey of discovery. contemplating Jesus in light of his first-century context.
Note: the time length can vary, depending on how quickly or slowly the group decides to progress.
It may be wise for your small group to commit to one "Part" at a time then reevaluate your pace.
PART 1: What Would a First-Century Jew Know?
- M-01 The Grand Narrative of Scripture in Chiasm.
- M-02 The Creator-King and the Pagan Creation Myths.
- M-03 The Problem of Evil in Second Temple Judaism.
- M-04 Hope Promised: Israel and the Covenants.
- M-05 Second Temple History: The Fracturing of Judaism.
- M-06 Second Temple Hopes: Messianic Expectations Reemerge.
PART 2: Messiah Arrives: The Rescue Begins
- M-07 The Arrival of Hope: The Gospel Prologues in Context
- M-08 Infancy Narratives: The Great Reversal vs the Powers.
- M-09 Baptism and Temptation: Reenactment, Trinity, Christology.
- M-10 The Water-into-Wine Paradigm: Jesus’ Early Ministry.
PART 3: Messiah Preaches the Kingdom in Galilee
- M-11 Kingdom Commission: The Messianic Mandate.
- M-12 Kingdom Message: The Future Invades the Present.
- M-13 Kingdom Values: The Upside-Down Kingdom.
- M-14 Kingdom Virtues: The Inside-Out Kingdom (Sermon on the Mount).
- M-15 Kingdom in Parable and Power: Insiders & Outsiders.
- M-16 Kingdom Strategy: Mentoring a Few to Reach the Many. Jesus and the Gentiles.
PART 4: Transition—Messiah Turns Toward the Cross
- M-17 Caesarea Philippi: Peter’s Confession and the Gates of Hell.
- M-18 The Transfiguration and the Defeat of the Gods.
PART 5: Messiah Marches Toward the Cross
- M-19 The Sobering Departure from Capernaum.
- M-20 Luke’s Travel Narrative: Overview.
- M-21 Martha and Mary: Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus.
- M-22 Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles: Water, Light, Truth.
- M-23 On the Road with Jesus: The Way of True Discipleship.
- M-24 The Lost and Found Parables: Two Wayward Sons.
- M-25 Lazarus and the Sanhedrin: Resurrection Life threatens Religious Power.
PART 6: Messiah is Rejected, Prepares a New Temple
- M-26 Two Triumphal Entries: Two Kinds of Kingdom.
- M-27 Jesus Occupies the Temple: A New Sacred Space.
- M-28 The Temple Debates: A Contest of Honor and Shame.
- M-29 The Eschatological Discourse: Jerusalem & the End.
- M-30 The Farewell Discourses: Presence-in-Absence.
PART 7: Messiah Triumphs over Sin and Death
- M-31 Jesus on Trial: Before God (Gethsemane).
- M-32 Jesus on Trial: Before the Jews (The Sanhedrin).
- M-33 Jesus on Trial: Before Rome (Pilate and Herod).
- M-34 Crucifixion in Context: The Cross as God’s Throne.
- M-35 The Resurrection: Restoration and Transformation.
- M-36 The Ascension: Enthronement of the King.