J-Mentors was truly inspiring and enriching. It made me be more careful in interpreting the Bible, to avoid spiritualizing / allegorizing it. We need the original context, or else we will interpret it out of context!
I was particularly struck by the courage of Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles. We are shy to proclaim Jesus in our context, but Jesus was so bold! Seeing his boldness has increased my boldness!
Though this was an academic class, J-Mentors took me back to the centrality of the Cross. As servant leaders, we must walk the way of the Cross, the way of the Servant-King,
We laughed a lot. J-Mentors was a new way to study God’s Word, to learn, grow & share together. It was encouraging to see a new approach.
J-Mentors was very nourishing. The content was fantastic. This approach can go wide yet deep!
J-Mentors helped me grow as a facilitator. I learned so much in 3 days! The facilitation skills are a great benefit. This retreat gave us a good chance to do hands-on ministry.
It is not easy to be transparent before God. It is so comfy to hide in a retreat and sit and listen only. But the Spiritual Formation Exercises of J-Mentors helped cleanse our hearts and rekindle our hope.
I really liked the J-Mentor modules. It is easy to talk, but when you have to DO something, it’s different. Here I had hardly woken up, then I had to facilitate a session. It was a big challenge. But from Module 1 we ascended to Module 3. By Module 5 we were in heavenly places!
These 3 days stirred my desire to know God and his Word. The Spiritual Formation Exercises were a tremendous opportunity to reflect on Jesus. J-Mentors is a great tool!
I am remembering when you first taught the pilot study of J-Mentors in my home town in 2007-2008. It started me on a lifetime of Bible study like I never would have dreamed. Thank you!
I’m a pastor, a seminary grad and a long-time student of Scripture. But the context, presentation, and inspiration of J-Mentors exceeds them all. Superb! Way better than seminary… way, WAY better!
My eyes were opened to see Jesus, Jesus! My heart burned as I listened to His Word! My will was challenged to take His Word into the world!
The book and slide presentation were excellent. It captured our attention and gave us a very clear picture of the materials being taught. Excellent teaching methods.
I learned to dig deeper into the context and culture of the biblical passage in order to gain an deeper understanding of what God is saying to us. And I realize there is so much we need to learn of the historical, geographical and cultural background in biblical times. This class has started me off!
After J-Mentors, I will read the Gospel differently, having a greater understanding of the context it was written in.
This course inspired me, as if I was standing there, seeing every event. This gave me new insight, like I was actually IN those events! I am present in this story. His story is my story. I am not merely an onlooker. I partner with him. This gives me direction!
Studying Scripture is life in me! This gave me a different Jesus, very clear image, creating a passion in me to know Him more--not only the way I want him to be--but as He is! There is much more. I have a hunger, a thirst to know more.
This was not just an academic exercise, but also a spiritual emphasis. It went beyond maintaining ministry to fulfilling ministry. Seeing Jesus like this made the Bible come alive for me. It empowered us as leaders as we wait on God.
Context opens things up! It brings life into familiar verses about Jesus. It made Scripture come alive for me and helped me look back on the signposts of my life.
J-Mentors helped me not only understand the people in Jesus' time; it helped me realize that I am a one of those people! This was disturbing! But that’s when Jesus comes to meet me!
Yet He is so different from what I imagine him to be. I do know Him, but as I wait on Him, I find that He challenges me. This course has caused me much reflection on Jesus. I need to stay close to HIm! I need to be careful of how I interpret what He is doing. I also look forward as well to where He wants me to be. J-Mentors has challenged me to step out in trust to obey him!
I’ve been challenged by J-Mentors! Jesus brings transformation. It was striking to think, “What if Jesus was king in my town, or bishop of my denomination? What would he change?" I will challenge my people: We must allow Jesus to be the Head of the church in order to see transformation.
J-Mentors was very interesting, like watching a true-to-life film! As a female pastor, I found it very encouraging. Jesus helped the oppressed and the depressed, both men and women.
I see here a prayer life for all nations. We must be a man or woman of prayer. The Church is the house of prayer for all nations. I want to make my church a house of prayer!
God used J-Mentors to enlarge my vision of the Kingdom of God. The theme of the Kingdom emerged in every phase and region of Jesus ministry! It made me realize that I do not want to fight internal denominational battles. I want to focus instead on building the Kingdom of God. J-Mentors gave me a larger Kingdom perspective. Thank you so much!
I feel like I visited the Holy Land! I was moved by the story of the Prodigal Son. I was very deeply moved by the supreme physical and mental suffering of Christ in the crucifixion. He took the worst for us! Jesus is the standard of our humanity, the true Imago Dei!
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